Notification Workflow and Template for End-User Notification:
To make this work you need a Notification Template like this, beeing created in „Administration -> Notification -> Templates“. There is already one „Endbenutzerbenachrichtigungen.
Doubleklick on the Template and scroll to the Subject and Body section.
To have a correct working Template add square brackets in the Subject around the Incident ID (black arrows), add the [Bestätigt] Text in the body (red arrow) and be sure the language is set correctly to the clients language setting (blue arrow).
Regarding the language setting: This works only if the language is set correctly in the affected users CI-Element.
So finally the corresponding workflow looks like this:
When a new object is created, and the source is E-Mail, send a notification to the affected user, dont apply a template and send the End-User notification.
This should do it – have fun with Incidents and E-Mails.