März 2013

Alert Messaging Server 2.6 – neue Features

Neue Features: Smartphone App (Android, iPhone) System Center Orchestrator Integration Pack (QIP) Lokationsbasierte Alarmierung Alarmweg wird im Alarmstatus angezeigt Informations SMS über geschlossene Alarme Eskalation von SMS auf Voice Grafisches Reporting Mail-to-SMS Alarmierung Alarmgenerierung per Webkonsole Import von Feiertagen Export des Audit Trails Analyse der Modem Signalstärke Windows Server 2012 Support SQL Server 2012 Support… Read more Alert Messaging Server 2.6 – neue Features

SCSM: Send IncidentInfo by Mail

In our projects to deploy ServiceManager, we often run into the problem that customers want to get Information from tickets and store it for i.e. searching. Unfortunately, closed Tickets dont show  much information, you cant get access to attachments neither ActionLog entries. Reopening them via Powershell/Orchestrator might fire workflows and notifications which causes chaos, so… Read more SCSM: Send IncidentInfo by Mail